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Resume Resources

By Joey Colon

This page is subjective to my own and others' experiences that I've personally talked to. I attempt to keep this as objective and abstract as possible so that more people can draw important fundamental lessons, rather than learn about trivial semantics that you can simply find online.

Software recommendations

resumake.io (not affiliated) - This website in combination with something like Overleaf is extremely powerful. Myself and the admins personally used templates from this website and have received attention from several companies. I would suggest building your resume based off one of the templates supported on this site and modifying the template to your liking via Overleaf.

Creating a winning resume

There isn't any must-follow rules with resumes. Although, it should be noted that entry level candidates should not go beyond one page. Recruiters are typically spending no longer than a minute scanning your resume. Make the information easy-to-digest and take advantage of different font-weights to bring emphasis to the things you want them to look at during the short time frame.

While no ATS system will automatically filter you out for using a specific template as some may suggest, it may be in your benefit to pick a single column resume over double column solely based on the idea that it will be easier for the recruiter to scan through your resume. You do not want something as silly as the layout of your resume to be the reason they may have accidentally missed an important detail on why you would be a great candidate for the job!

Some people suggest a certain section at the top, etc, and as suggested earlier, I would advise against these "gospel rules". Your resume should lead with the most impressive credential to least. The unfortunate reality is that recruiters will bucket your application into the No-hire bucket if you are not able to hook them in. This is largely due the number of resumes they have to review and how much time they are spending looking at each resume. Go to a target school? Cool, use that as what you lead. Have internships already, but not from a "prestigious" school? Lead with your work experience. While this advice might seem extremely ambiguous, everyone's situation is different. It is important to analyze your own, while also taking advice with a grain of salt from peers, in order to craft the best resume for yourself.

It should be noted that creating a resume is an iterative process. If you have applied to 50 places and haven't heard back from any of them, try switching up your approach. When you are looking into your first opportunity, you really need to experiment with what works for you. Experimenting with different bullet-points, layout, etc, is an important part of achieving repeated success.

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